How to change the timezone settings in Google Analytics

Sometimes you observe that the hits follow a pattern in your analytics data. It is important that you understand the pattern and make adjustments and tweaks to your marketing accordingly. It is beyond obvious that your content/product is popular at certain times in the day and it has to be pushed keeping the same in mind. You could very well change the timezone settings in Google Analytics and try to understand the origin of the traffic and behavior of the users so to why they visit your site in a particular time period. Alternatively you could dive deeper into understanding why there was a spike in some particular hours on a day. Is there a spike in off-business hours or if there is a downtrend in any particular hours signalling issue with high-traffic timings on your server.
Google analytics generally show the data in hourly intervals when you select the range to be a single day.
You can observe the intervals on x-axis vis-a-vis the date range selected, in the screenshots below.
In this image, you would observe that the days are set as the intervals:-
In the image below, you could very well see that the hours are set as intervals, when the date range is just a single day:-
Changing the timezone settings in Google Analytics account settings
1. Click on the Admin settings icon in the bottom left of the menu
2. On the Admin page, under the Admin tag, click on the 1st option – “View Settings” in the right-most coloumn (View)
3. On the View Settings page, select the timezone as per your preference under option “Time zone country or territory”
Let us know, if you face any issue figuring out the setting yet.