How to delete Twitter account

Twitter is probably the fastest way to share what’s on your mind to your social media followers, in a few short sentences. But maybe you want a longer word limit to be able to spell out your thoughts or maybe just the idea of Twitter doesn’t appeal to you anymore.
Whatever your reasons may be for being tired of your Twitter account, it can be deleted in a few simple steps.
Read along for how to delete Twitter account
Step 1:-
Go to and log in to your account.
Step 2:-
Go to Settings. You will find the option to go to Settings under your profile picture in the upper-right corner. Click on the picture then click on Settings.
Step 3:-
After you click settings, a new page with options to modify your account opens up.
If you wish to create another Twitter account right after deleting this one using the same email ID or username, you should change them here. You will not be able to use this email ID or username for a new account for a while after deactivation of your current account.
Step 4:-
Scroll down to the bottom and you will find a button that says “Deactivate my account”.
Before this, you will also see the option to “Request your archive”. If you wish to save a copy of all your tweets, you can click here and Twitter will email you a downloadable link having all your tweets.
Click on Deactivate my account.
Step 5:
After you click on Deactivate my account, you will be redirected to another screen having information regarding the deletion of your account. Read this information.
Remember, if you only wish to change your username or Twitter URL, you do not need to deactivate your account. You can change it on the Settings page.
Click on “Deactivate @your_username” button at the end of the information.
Step 6:-
You will be asked to enter your password in order to confirm that it’s really you. Enter your password and click Deactivate account button.
Your account will be permanently deleted in 30 days. If you change your mind in that period, you only have to log into Twitter again using the same account information to activate your account. Your account will not be deleted if you do this.
Points to remember before deleting your account:
- You do not need to delete your Twitter account to change your Twitter handle or URL. You can do so in the Settings page. The replies to your old handle, @your_old_username, will remain unchanged.
- If you wish to create another account using the same email ID or username, you should change them before deactivating your account. You will not be able to create another account using the same username or email ID for 30 days, till your account is permanently deleted.
We hope this information is useful. You may want to read our other Twitter related articles such as how to increase your Twitter followers and how to get verified on Twitter.
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